Peaceful Pantry – Alberta, Canada – Consumer Buying Club Video

Annette, who runs the Peaceful Pantry buying club, has been with us from almost the beginning.  She is the single person running the club and continues her success using  We invite you to check out their story and wonderful video about their buying club story.

What makes The Peaceful Pantry a success?

It’s not the small percentage she charges members for being in the club.  It’s getting good organic food as close to the source as possible.  It’s about doing something her family can be a part of.  It’s about helping others get the best food they can in a place where it is not as easy to do it on your own.  Only collective would bring organic food to this area.

Nowhere in this video does she mention  We believe that’s because running a buying club is not really about software.  It’s about people, and food, and those who grow that food for us.  And keeping your sanity BECAUSE of software, which leads me to a quote she gave me long ago when she started using the software…

My hubby (who used to have to input everything), is SO happy with the software.  We could even sit down and have a cuppa – haven’t ever had time to do that before.

Thanks to you and Matt for putting this together – you can tell an insider developed it, so THANKYOU!

Please enjoy this wonderful video about the Peaceful Pantry, which is really a representation and tribute to buying clubs everywhere.